Sunday, November 8, 2015

Skulls Are So 382 A.V.

For many people, the macabre is not just a hobby but it is also a way of life.

This choice in lifestyle obviously has an impact on other choices they make, like fashion. Garish bones from slain creatures. Yellowing teeth and claws. But the worst of all is the constant need to adorn one's person with skulls. Regardless if they are real or simply constructed to appear as such, these deplorable things have no place in refined society.

But, you might ask, what about skins and hides and leather. Well, those things all have their place in these realms. They provide a much-needed duty to assist with those items which cloth could not simply handle alone. They do not simply exist for the sake of the "shock value" they carry when onlookers view you as wearing them.

In addition to their utility use, leather materials also can serve a function for high fashion. Take the diamond-hide for example, while it has become incredibly trendy for folks to have boots or belts or what-have-you made from the stuff; One cannot deny that it also very pleasing to the eye. Much of the increased desire for attire that makes use of diamond-hide is likely due to the fact that it fulfills both form and function. Being both pleasing to view and practical to use for it's natural qualities.

I know a certain sailor who adorns himself with sealskin for crying out loud. While I, personally, would never consider it worthy of my own spectacular form; I can see why someone who is far more in tune with the needs of seaworthy fashion might. It does have wonderful qualities for shedding water, so it's a very understandable choice for rough weather or frequent storms.

But, back to the use of skulls.

They serve no real function.


So you want to look imposing, frightening, dark, whatever... Try using a bit more imagination instead of going with something that a child might be scared of. Do you think that Dragon Priest that is attacking you would give one care that you have a skull on your helm or plates of mouldy bone on your gloves? No. They likely have had far more dealings with that sort of gore and grisly attire than you could ever hope to.

Do you seriously want to truly frighten someone? Wear some tyrium spun glitter tights bedazzled with clown-shaped haze sapphires.

You'll frighten me.

I guarantee that.

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